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Trenton Public School District

Trenton, NJ

As part of the Middle School Specialization program, I completed my field experience in two different schools in the Trenton school district: Joyce Kilmer Middle School and the Ninth Grade Academy.  I spent two months at Kilmer, observing the classroom, participating in activities, and ultimately teaching a two week unit.  In order to ensure that I had experience in a high school setting, I spent three weeks at the Ninth Grade Academy where I participated in lessons and then taught one of my own.

A majority of those that inhabit Trenton are of African American descent (52%), followed by people of Hispanic or Latino descent (33%), and then by Caucasian descent (26%).  Approximately 28.4% of people in Trenton fall below the poverty line.

Joyce Kilmer Middle School
7th Grade Math
  "Success is the only option"
  • Joyce Kilmer Middle School, one of five middle schools in the Trenton school district, has made it their mission to push students to reach their “highest potential in order to become productive citizens locally, nationally, and globally.”

  • At the beginning of each day, the students are greeted by faculty and administration upon entering the building.  Whether it be a high-five, a hug, or a simple wave, the small act of kindness contributes to the warm and welcoming environment that Joyce Kilmer Middle School is dedicated to developing. 

Ninth Grade Academy
Honors Geometry
  "Children come first; Los niños son primero"
  • Trenton Central High School is currently divided into Small Learning Communities (SLCs). The Chambers Street Campus, houses five communities: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), School of Communications, Visual and Performing Arts (VPA), Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism, and Business (HRTB), and the 9th Grade Academy.

"There is nothing more rewarding than working in an urban school district if you can make a child’s day a little brighter while delivering the academic components although it may be difficult at times. 


They are just children that did not sign up for the challenges they face each day and they do not yet have the tools to resolve the conflicts they face.”

Thomas Tocci


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